5 Tips To Start Your Monday Like A Pro
This video shows tips on how you can start your Monday Like A Pro
You should actually feel positive about going to work everyday. But trust me many of us don't like Monday the way we cherished Fridays because we're humans.
Check below for 5 Tips to start your Monday Like a pro :
1. Coffee
Coffee smells and tastes amazing, and the caffeine in it gives you energy like that... Talk less of that coffee is the top motivator for the Monday grumps, with about 46 percent of takers testifying that it helped boost their moods.
It's not a hard nut to crack saying exercise has a lot of benefits and trust me explaining all the benefits here would take your time... Lol. I learnt that the thought of sweating and panting first thing in the morning really Jazz up people's mind, try it yourself.
3. Music
It's scientifically proven that listening to upbeat music on a regular basis has the ability to improve or reinforce your mood, with long-term effects. Listening to good music and dancing to it is like doing aerobics, it makes your heart function right.
4. Sex
Yeah! Sex. Morning sex them say it's rare, but trust me it's the perfect way to start a happy day. You don't get moody after having sex, except your partner got you so angry.
5. Eat Right
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