Sunday, 8 October 2017

8 things workers need to do on a Monday morning

"How you begin your morning often sets the tone and your attitude for the rest of the day and how you start your week speaks volume on how you would end it. It can also derail or direct your focus. If you remain committed to good morning work habits, you won't fall prey to feeling distracted at the end of the week."

Here are few things you should do on a Monday morning :

Eat fine breakfast

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"Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day to help us down the path of not only being more physically fit, but also to have the mental energy needed to tackle your workday," Kerr

Most people might see this as a kind of joke, but trust me, whatever you take into your mouth would definitely shape you. Eat right, if not all the time, on Mondays. 

Arrive your workplace on time

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Arriving your place of work on time or a little early awaken your mind, body and soul for the day and helps promote a feeling of accomplishment, experts has revealed. This is a must for every employee that aim at success. 

Start each day with a clean slate

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Rolling over projects and convos from past week might be a thing of your organization, but a good worker should not pile up projects and unfinished business or convos into a new week. 
Always strive to enter the new week fresh and clean from previous jobs. 

Tap into what's happening at the outset of the day, get organized and ready, you simply need to leave behind any crap from yesterday. 

Be Cheerful

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Your mood is as important as the breakfast. Pay attention to every mood you wear, as it affect people around. Cheer up! Attitude is Everything. 

Organize your day

Too many people get distracted first thing in the morning with unimportant activities such as diving right into their see of mails, when there may be a whole host of more important issues that need dealing with. 

Prioritize your activities and set a plan that meets that of your supervisor .

Be available 

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Take this even more serious, if you're in a leadership position, it's critical to be present, mentally and physically, and to communicate. You took the offer, it's your responsibility to be available at all time for it. 

Remember your purpose 

Take this as a daily devotion. Remember your purpose in life, at your workplace. "Connecting to a sense of purpose is one of the most powerful motivators and taking just a moment each day to reconnect to what truly matters in your job and what you are ultimately trying to achieve and for whom, can help you feel more motivated and help you focus on the priority areas in your work".

Take advantage of your cleared mind

"Many people feel that their brains function best in the morning, and that morning is when they are most creative and productive," Kerr says. "Consider whether you are making the best use of your brainpower and plan 'high brain' activities in the morning."

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