Friday, 9 November 2018

4 Things You Should Never Say To A Woman During An Argument

There will always be an argument or two in your relationship. The beauty of it all is that you will look back and be grateful that you had them if you amicably solved them. It makes your relationship strong. 

However, in the heat of the moment, a man may particularly say nasty things to her woman. These things are:

You are such a …

If you begin a statement like this, in that moment of anger, chances are high that it will be a derogatory one to your woman. As such, avoid using this phrase at all cost because it will scald your woman straight to her soul. 

I hate you 

In a moment of rage, you may be prone to not see any likeable thing in your woman. Truth is, sometimes the argument is a petty one and you may be wondering how you could love a woman who is like that. But then again do not lose your tongue and utter the word 'I hate you.'

Bringing other women into the argument 

Don't compare her with other women when you are arguing. It will not end well for both of you. The woman will store that information somewhere she can readily retrieve and use it against you every single time she wants to make a point.  

You are being senseless 

The arguments can pretty much be petty. In fact most of the times. Well, if it does not involve infidelity and money that it is petty. But then you have no right to say she's being senseless. No matter what. Use anything else but don't insinuate she has challenges upstairs when it comes to that argument or fight.

Source : Hivisasa

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